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Anyway, the training is starting, so let's take a look and see how well the Koopas do against the (fake) Toads, shall we?
There appears to be three Cannonball Toads at the left side, all of them which carries a cannon that obviously shoots out cannonballs...... in a right angle (hey, they aren't affected by gravity, aren't they?)! This training is super easy, but I understand that this is for those that are just newcomers of Team Bowser.
Anyway, it looks like those Koopas have defeated those Cannonball Toads already, so it looks like Bowser will have to-
Wait a minute, what is that package over there? I have checked it out, and it appears to be a package, that is sent to Bowser from KoopEx, and the package appears to be filled with Koopas that are hearing Hammer Bro helmets. Woohoo, more Koopas! What's even better is that the Hammer Bro helmets that these Koopas are wearing makes their defense twice as strong, meaning that they'll last longer. Yay! However, I hate to break into your party, but these Koopas will take as twice as much the coins the regular Koopas will take.
Well, it looks like the field has gotten more bigger and there are some more Cannonball Toads in it. Also, it looks like that Bowser will be in deep trouble, as it looks like that Bowser won't have enough to coins to get enough Koopas to defeat all of the Toads. Oh no! What is Bowser going to do?
Wait, it looks like the field can still be all cleaned up, because guess what? There are golden mushrooms! They may not attack, but they'll "bleed" extra coins as they get damaged by the Koopas. Hoorah! After all of the field was cleaned up, I noticed something round in the field. It appears to be a Bob-Ball! Woohoo, another member of Team Bowser!
However, what could it be used for? Wait a minute, it looks like Bowser has showed up, and he has something to say. He sai-
Oh wait, it seems that Bowser has forgot his lines. Oh well, it's not that important anyway, as there appears to be an army of cardboard Toads slowly moving into the right side, and the Koopas aren't here to fight against them. Oh no! What are we going to do now?
Wait, hold on there, remember that Bob-Ball we had saw earlier? Well, it appears that as they are round, they could be used as bowling balls. Yes, that means we are now playing a game of "Bob-Ball Bowling". It works like how regular bowling works, expect that the "pins" (which are the cardboard Toads) are moving towards us. Anyway, let's get rolling (get it?)!
After rolling a few Bob-Balls, there seems to be a red Bob-Ball. What could this mean? After rolling it, it appears to be flashing. Oh, and when it collides with a cardboard Toad, it explodes! Alright, we've got some mad red Bob-Balls in Team Bowser!
After defeating quite a number of cardboard Toads, a sentence showed up, which said that a giant wave of cardboard Toads are coming. Oh wait, I think it meant that a "That's all folks!" screen is coming, as that what exactly happened!
Well, I guess that's it! Overall, it's a very great game, although there is a couple problems.